🌴Palm oil consumption during pregnancy may improve vitamin A level

The World Health Organization says adequate amounts of vitamin A are crucial for the survival of pregnant women and their unborn children. With vitamin A deficiencies a serious global issue , particularly in developing nations, attendees of the European Palm Oil Conference (EPOC) were eager to learn if carotene-rich palm fruit oil is the answer. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers sought to learn if incorporating red palm fruit oil or sunflower oil into an expectant mother’s diet increased the concentration of carotenes in her plasma and breast milk. Image of pregnancy and the demand for vitamin A The demand for vitamin A is highest for both the unborn child and the mother during the last trimester. Pregnant women in high-risk areas are especially prone to night blindness, a manifestation of vitamin A deficiency. For this six-month study, 90 rural, pregnant Tanzanian women during their third trimester were selected from ...