How Helambergo was born

Don't let fear hold you back from achieving your full potential. Harness it and channel it into passion. "Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear"- Richard Branson


I'd know I'd rather look back on life and say 'I can't believe I did that' than 'I wish I'd did that'." How about you?
In January 2017, I left two jobs I'd been on for 4 years, reason that I met someone whom I considered a friend to start up a business. For me it was a lot of sacrifice because I had to cut down on family finances for up keep, travel a far distance everyday to get to work which is risky in this side of the wold, invest my time, energy and emotions.

Four months later, my friend and employer (by the way, your friend can never be a good boss to you. Friendship and business don't mix) called me into his office and said, "you know you can't own what you didn't invest...", this was a fall back of my request for a one week break. That statement formed the major inspiration I had, to put breath to my dreams of running my own company and changing lives. The following month I got a mail asking me to leave.

This gave birth to Helambergo Enterprise. I began to look inwards and considering what are the resources I have that are not tapped. My family has Palm tree plantation with vast arable land which was just lying fallow for years.
Using my house as warehouse and office, with an investment of just $54.79 we've started an empire and am not afraid to fail, because I don't, actually waiting for me to fail is like waiting for God to die. We have our brand and we're still developing.
1st generation label
2nd generation label


  1. yeah thanks, i made up my mind to be my own inspiration, my own encouragement and my own teacher. where they refused to take me i'll do it my self


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