Rhesus factor (Rh): Mystical cause of Abortion
Wendi got married few years ago, from that time till now she has been rocked with multiple spontaneous abortions. She blames the terrible experience on the witches in her village, she doesn't know that herself and some biological factors may have contributed to the situation. I will tell you how. Have you ever heard of the word Rhesus factor (Rh)? Rh D factor is a protein that is present on the surface of the red-blood cells. This was first discovered in rhesus monkeys, hence the name. People that have the Rh factor are Rh D positive +, those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh D negative-. The + and - sign in front of the blood group is the rhesus D factor. So we have A+,A-,O+,O-, B+,B-,AB+,AB-. Rhesus factor is genetic, it's gotten from the parents precisely the man. With this in mind, let's further explain Wendi’s predicament . If you are Rh D positive+ e.g (A+,B+,O+,AB+) you are safe, but if you are negative e.g (A-,B-,AB-,O-) you're not. A ma...