Cancer now can cross from mother to baby in utero
Cancer cells have a parasitic propensity in the primary host but their capacity to transit between individuals is severely restrained by two factors: a lack of a route for viable cell transfer and immune recognition in allogeneic, secondary recipients. Several examples of transmissible animal cancers are now recognised. In humans, the only natural route for transmission is via the haemochorial placenta which is permissive for cell traffic. There are three special examples of this occurring in utero: 1. maternal to foetus, 2. intraplacental twin to twin leukaemias 3. choriocarcinoma-extra-embryonic cells to mother. Scientists have established beyond doubt that in rare cases cancer can be transmitted in the womb, following the birth of a baby to a woman with leukaemia. A team at the Institute of Cancer Research , a college of the University of London, working with colleagues in Japan, found that the cancer had defied accepted theories of biology. Leukaemia ...