
Choris prosopos fetalis: Faceless birth defect

"Choris prosopos fetalis" or absent fetal face is a congenital birth defect that can be classified in the arthrogryposis multiplex congentia . This is the absence of facial bone due to failure of ossification centres, and eventual bone formation. The inability for bone formation results in the malformation of other facial organs like the mouth, nose and eyes. Choris prosopos fetalis is a very rare form of facial deformity with almost zero survival rate this is very similar to but not  Frontonasal Dysplasia , also known as Median Cleft Face Syndrome, is a condition in which the nose has a flat, wide appearance, and the eyes may be wide-set. There is a groove of varying degrees, which runs down the middle of the face across the nose. In some cases the tip of the nose is missing. A gap with extra folds of skin covering it may appear on the front of the head. Craniofacial defects are caused by the abnormal growth or development of the head and/or facial bones wh...

Counter-effect of food on drugs

According to Dr. Mrs Adeniji, of the University college hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Nigeria. The question in people's minds "why certain medications don’t work after several days of use?" Normally people who have experienced this will conclude that the drug is fake , expired or even a wrong prescription. Some will even go as far as giving fettish reasons for the situation. But do you know there are certain foods and medicines you take concomitantly that counteracts each other's mode of action in the body? Yes. Certain meals can prevent your medications from working, or worse still, cause dangerous side effects, and we have curated 6 of them here. Many people probably do not know this, so share to save a life. Vitamin C and Anti-malaria drugs This is what happens when you mix both. But first a background: All drugs are metabolized in the liver. The liver is rich in iron, and iron is important in the life cycle of malaria parasites (plasmodium). Vitam...

Ultrasound Differential Between Fetal Hydrops and Cystic Hygroma

Fetal hydrops is a condition in fetus that shows fluid accumulation (edema) in two or more fetal compartments, fluid accumulation can be seen in: Abdominal cavity (ascites) Pericardium (pericardial effusion) Pleural cavity (pleural effusion) Generalize edema Picture shows aborted edematous fetus Fetal hydrops is not a disease but an ultrasound indicator for other intra-uterine complications. Fetal hydrops can be immune or non-immune related in fetal anemia, however non-immune hydrops can be independent of anemia in which case tumor or congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation cause increase blood flow demand. This over-bearing cardiac output leads to edema secondary to fetal heart failure. Immune fetal hydrops is seen in unmanaged Rh disease. This incident has since reduced with an improved Rh disease management. Non-immune fetal hydrops has multiple causes, click here to learn more . Fetal cystic hygroma is a congenital malformation of the ...

3D illusion and sonographic implication

Studies have shown that the human eyes are not adapted enough to deal with 2D images. When looking at a moving 2D image the eye reconstructs a 3D based on what it sees. According to Abhishek Satheesh , it all depends on how your brain construct 3D image based on 2D clues from the image. Just try watching the video below a couple of times. You may notice that each time, the initial direction of spinning was different. Why does the eye movement from left to right gives different direction? The reason is that the video is in reality, a 2D image shifting back and forth. Our brain has not evolved to deal with 2D images, so it takes clues from the image to reconstruct a 3D model. This happens in the visual cortex, it scramble along and try to make sense of what it sees. Either direction of the rotation works, so whatever is found first, it will stick, unless you refocus and give the visual cortex a chance to come to a different conclusion. This idea came true in...

Your current FHR measurement is wrong

According to Sonostarss  "Sonographers, what are you measuring?" article sonographers are 98% of the time making a wrong fetal echo diagnosis. M-Mode is the modality we use to obtain a fetal heart rate, but few and far between sonographers even know what they are really measuring. Unfortunately, sonography schools, though they teach the many facets of OB sonography, are not teaching how to correctly perform, interpret or measure M-mode. This is truly astounding. Why don’t we know this?!! It could make a big difference in a baby’s prognosis and treatment. When measuring the heart rate, many sonographers are measuring the most pronounced thing they visualize, which is usually the motion of a heart valve. This is NOT the fetal heart rate, and you might be missing a significant heart dysrhythmia. It is the sinoatrial (SA) node, located at the roof of the right atrium, that regulates the heart rate. The SA node sends a signal throughout the atrium to ...

Let's dread teaching videos for starters

Because we care about you, we prepare this simple "do it yourself" videos for starters and those who wish to maintain their hair at home. For further assistance and support call the number on the screen Video #1: preserve, restyle and maintain Video #2: restyle pack and pin your dread Video #3: loosing your extensions without causing damage Loc training for adults and kids available at our Lagos studio

Dreadlocks: How to make a single twist crochet

From the stables of " let'sdreadbyeve " comes this short and concise teaching video of twist crochet. Learn how to knot and loose a single twist crochet. For starting, maintaining and training using the address to locate our studio:  09 Afarogun street off Awolowo way Ikeja Lagos Tell: +2348081243230, +2348034445760

Obesity may results to multiple pregnancy

Women who are obesed have been studied to have an increased chance of conceiving twins and multiple pregnancy. In a study reported on Webmd shows that there's correlation between increased BMI and multiple birth. An American study found women with a pre-pregnancy BMI of 30 or more are significantly more likely to have twins formed from separate eggs and sperm than thinner mothers. Researchers found the proportion of US women ages 20-39 with a BMI of 30 or more increased from 9.3 per cent in the early 1960s to 29.1 per cent in 1999-2002. They expect the rate of twin births to increase as the percentage of obese women continues to rise. How much a woman weighs when she gets pregnant and how much weight she gains during pregnancy can affect her health and that of her baby. The developing fetuses of obese women also are at increased risk for health problems. For example, researchers found a connection between maternal obesity and neural tub...

Fetal brain herniating through mouth

According to A2Z group on Facebook. Encephalocele(fetal brain) herniating through mouth Encephaloceles are rare birth defects associated with skull defects characterized by partial lacking of bone fusion leaving a gap through which a portion of the brain sticks out (protrudes). In some cases, cerebrospinal fluid or the membranes that cover the brain (meninges) may also protrude through this gap.  In some cases, cerebrospinal fluid or the membranes that cover the brain (meninges) may also protrude through this gap. The portion of the brain that sticks outside the skull is usually covered by skin or a thin membrane so that the defect resembles a small sac. Protruding tissue may be located on any part of the head, but most often affects the back of the skull (occipital area). Most encephaloceles are large and significant birth defects that are diagnosed before birth. However, in extremely rare cases, some encephaloceles may be small and go un...

Giant Hydrocele: Scrotum 4times the size of patient's head

Hydrocele which means "water sac" is abnormal fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis of the scrotum or a patent tunica vaginalis. It is a relatively common condition in surgical practice. However, a giant hydrocele, here defined for clinical purposes, as a hydrocele equal to or bigger than the patient's head, is rare as indicated by the limited number of reported cases in the literature. Ultrasound is the first modality usually used to evaluate hydrocele, which presents as a simple fluid collection. It is avascular on Doppler evaluation. It may contain septations, calcifications or cholesterol. In a research article published online ncbi reports giant hydrocele in specific patients. A 50-year-old man who presented with bilateral scrotal swellings for 10 years. No history of chronic cough, leg swelling or trauma to the scrotum. He is married wit...