
38,000kg whale reduced to skeleton in 24hrs

On the 29th July a huge whale was washed ashore by strong currents off the coast town of Brass, Beyelsa state a Niger-Delta state in Nigeria. This whale which got stuck on the shallow water on the coast line couldn't move itself to the sea because of it weight. The whale weighs 38,000kg. On-lookers and leisure seekers on the beach at the time gathered to sea this aquatic monster. As the news went around town people came out with buckets, knives and axes to get a piece of this manner that doesn't appear everyday. The scene suddenly became a butcher market as everyone cut for themselves pieces of whale meat for themselves and for sale. Bit by bit this mighty aquatic beast that stranded on the beach was divided into pieces. In 24hrs the huge whale was reduced to skeleton as the whole shoreline became red from whale blood. Bayelsa state is one of the rich oil producing states in Nigeria and has a high level of poverty among it's populace. With Nigeria...

Occular albinism: Eye albinism

Genetic home reference has cited in a publication that Ocular albinism is a genetic condition that primarily affects the eyes . This condition reduces the coloring (pigmentation) of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye, and the retina , which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Pigmentation in the eye is essential for normal vision. Ocular albinism is characterized by severely impaired sharpness of vision (visual acuity) and problems with combining vision from both eyes to perceive depth (stereoscopic vision). Although the vision loss is permanent, it does not worsen over time. Other eye abnormalities associated with this condition include rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); eyes that do not look in the same direction (strabismus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia). Many affected individuals also have abnormalities involving the optic nerves, which carry visual information from the eye to the brain. Un...

Medical news: Woman ingested jewelries

It was an awkward moment in West Bengal, where doctors battled to save the life a female patient who ingested 1.6kg jewellery, 90 coins and a wrist watch from the womans' stomach. Surgeons operating Jewelry-filled visceral The 22-year-old patient had suffered abdominal pain and thrown up after every meal for a week before she was admitted to hospital. Sonography and x-ray tests revealed metal in her tummy - so surgeons at Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital, in India, operated to remove it. Surgeons removed chains, nose rings, earrings, trinkets, bangles, and anklets during the 75-minute procedure, that also revealed 90 coins and a wristwatch X-ray image Women's are passionate about Jewellery as it represented a symbol of femininity and even social status. Jewellery has always made women feel beautiful and confident. The jewellery items are made of diamonds, pearl, gold, silver or other precious materials, t...

Intrauterine or fetal diarrhoea?

Congenital chloride diarrhea ( CCD ) is a rare, genetically determined cause of persistent, life threatening, watery diarrhea, which is characterized by excessive chloride loss in stools. CCD is an autosomal recessive disorder. Most cases have been reported in Finland and the Middle East. Gamble et al, and Darrow first described the condition in 1945. Recently, the CCD gene has been accurately located on chromosome. Meconium stained amniotic fluid Most children with CCD are born preterm and their antenatal ultrasound usually reveal polyhydramnios with significant dilatation of the fetal intestinal loops. Postnatally, these children exhibit significant abdominal distension, profuse and watery stools, and failure to thrive. Some infants survive for several months without diagnosis but any intercurrent infection, particularly gastroenteritis, disturbing the delicate water and electrolyte balance can lead to their demise. Dilated small b...

Barber-say syndrome

According to daily medical cases Facebook page . Barber-Say syndrome (BSS) is a very rare congenital disorder associated with excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis), fragile (atrophic) skin, eyelid deformities (ectropion), and an overly broad mouth (macrostomia). Barber-Say syndrome is phenotypically similar to Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome, which is also associated with dominant mutations in TWIST2. Causes Multiple cases of parent-to-child transmission suggest that Barber-Say syndrome exhibits autosomal dominant inheritance. Exome sequencing and expression studies have shown that BSS is caused by mutations in the TWIST2 gene that affect a highly conserved residue of TWIST2 (twist-related protein 2). TWIST2 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that binds to E-box DNA motifs (5'-CANNTG-3') as a heterodimer and inhibits transcriptional activation. Sign and Symptoms 》Severe hypertrichosis, especially of the back 》Skin...

Babies with beard

This story was inspired by a Facebook video documentary I saw of a child in India with beard covered face called the "wolf boy" According to an article published by Tony Walsh, "babies with beard" , the vivid history of bearded babies was explained: We wish to open this history with the disclaimer that the phenomena of bearded babies is not to be confused with the condition of hypertrichosis  (general excessive bodily hair growth) or  hursutism  (a male patterned excessive hair growth in women). Bearded babies do not pose a medical mystery at all- some babies are simply born with beards. We accept this as natural, but the history of the bearded baby has not been so forgiving.  Bearded babies have been part of human life since the moment we evolved from monkeys. During the dawn of humanity, most people had an excess of body hair, so babies with beards were accepted and nurtured. As humans lost their primordial hair, and only adults bore magnificent...

Tribute to all healthcare veterans

I am almost four decades old and eight years in medical practice as a Sonographer. I love my job so much but in this short time I have experienced the toughness of the profession from long hours of day/night shift, battle with admin to get the right equipment and working policy, cordiality with colleagues which sometimes is overheated due to minor frictions, abuse from patients and ultimately work-related injury of which I just recovered from cervical spondylosis. Many of our veterans went through all this in 40-50years of their working lives and they are here today giving us valuable advise which I have found profitable since I joined these groups. While we thank you for your work and now the advice you render to make us better, no words can really describe what you went through but I believe this video is a representation of your fearlessness, courage and resilience in saving lives. CAUTION: IF YOU HAVE HIGH BP OR ANY HEART CONDITION DON'T PLAY THE VI...

OBGYN: Mermaid baby (Sirenomelia)

Prenatal diagnosis of sirenomelia has been made by ultrasound mostly during the first trimester or early second trimester, in which the amniotic fluid volume is usually normal, unrelated to the fetal urine production. Conversely in the second trimester, oligohydramnios due to renal agenesis makes the diagnosis of sirenomelia more difficult. Ultrasound image of sirenomelia Sirenomelia, which is also known as mermaid syndrome, is an extremely rare congenital developmental disorder characterized by anomalies of the lower spine and the lower limbs. Affected infants are born with partial or complete fusion of the legs. Additional malformations may also occur including genitourinary abnormalities, gastrointestinal abnormalities, anomalies of the lumbarsacral spine and pelvis and absence or underdevelopment (agenesis) of one or both kidneys. Affected infants may have one foot, no feet or both feet, which may be rotated externally. The tailbone is usually absent and t...

Choris prosopos fetalis: Faceless birth defect

"Choris prosopos fetalis" or absent fetal face is a congenital birth defect that can be classified in the arthrogryposis multiplex congentia . This is the absence of facial bone due to failure of ossification centres, and eventual bone formation. The inability for bone formation results in the malformation of other facial organs like the mouth, nose and eyes. Choris prosopos fetalis is a very rare form of facial deformity with almost zero survival rate this is very similar to but not  Frontonasal Dysplasia , also known as Median Cleft Face Syndrome, is a condition in which the nose has a flat, wide appearance, and the eyes may be wide-set. There is a groove of varying degrees, which runs down the middle of the face across the nose. In some cases the tip of the nose is missing. A gap with extra folds of skin covering it may appear on the front of the head. Craniofacial defects are caused by the abnormal growth or development of the head and/or facial bones wh...

Counter-effect of food on drugs

According to Dr. Mrs Adeniji, of the University college hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Nigeria. The question in people's minds "why certain medications don’t work after several days of use?" Normally people who have experienced this will conclude that the drug is fake , expired or even a wrong prescription. Some will even go as far as giving fettish reasons for the situation. But do you know there are certain foods and medicines you take concomitantly that counteracts each other's mode of action in the body? Yes. Certain meals can prevent your medications from working, or worse still, cause dangerous side effects, and we have curated 6 of them here. Many people probably do not know this, so share to save a life. Vitamin C and Anti-malaria drugs This is what happens when you mix both. But first a background: All drugs are metabolized in the liver. The liver is rich in iron, and iron is important in the life cycle of malaria parasites (plasmodium). Vitam...