
Cancer now can cross from mother to baby in utero

Cancer cells have a parasitic propensity in the primary host but their capacity to transit between individuals is severely restrained by two factors: a lack of a route for viable cell transfer and immune recognition in allogeneic, secondary recipients. Several examples of transmissible animal cancers are now recognised. In humans, the only natural route for transmission is via the haemochorial placenta which is permissive for cell traffic. There are three special examples of this occurring in utero: 1. maternal to foetus, 2. intraplacental twin to twin leukaemias 3. choriocarcinoma-extra-embryonic cells to mother.  Scientists have established beyond doubt that in rare cases cancer can be transmitted in the womb, following the birth of a baby to a woman with leukaemia. A team at the Institute of Cancer Research , a college of the University of London, working with colleagues in Japan, found that the cancer had defied accepted theories of biology. Leukaemia ...


There are so many people who do not even want to hear the word garlic, others know it's benefits but do not make any effort in directly using it simply because of the odour. Some of these people go after different alcoholic drinks that promises sex drive and good erection. What if I tell you that garlic can act as an aphrodisiac, can help with fertility by making the sperms healthy and increasing it, it increases blood flow in the body, reduces stress to make one go for more rounds and what if I tell you it can make a man have good erection??? Let's get to the science of it.  Garlic contains a chemical called allicin. Allicin is responsible for many of garlic’s amazing health benefits including its antimicrobial, and anti-hypertension properties. This compound prevents plaques from building up in arteries and enhances blood flow to the genital area which increases the production of sperm. Garlic also contains nitric oxide synthase, or NOS, which plays an...

Cryptic pregnancy: scam version

It was a cold and rainy morning sometime in April, when one of the OPD nurses on duty knocked on the consulting room door. Nurse KC:   Doc, are you free? There’s a new patient that will like to see you. Me: Okay, Please send her in. Me: Good morning Ma’am, how may I help you? Patient: Good morning Doc, I am about 3 months pregnant but still seeing my menses monthly and I am worried. Me: It is not normal to be pregnant and still be bleeding or seeing your menses. Me: How was this pregnancy confirmed?  PT?  Ultrasound Scan?  Any pregnancy symptoms? Patient: They said I should not go to any hospital for antenatal or pregnancy tests, because the baby won’t show in scan and pregnancy test would be negative. Me: Who are these “They” that told you these?  It is strange that a woman will be pregnant for 3 months, yet PT test can’t detect hCG level or ultrasound scan show the fetus. Patient: Ha! Doc, you’v...

Pregnancy hormones: Blood test for testicular cancer ♋

Where testicular cancer is suspected ultrasound is often the first test done if the doctor thinks you might have testicular cancer. It uses sound waves to produce images of the inside of your body. It can be used to see if a change in the testis is a benign condition (like a hydrocele or varicocele) or a solid tumor that could be a cancer. If the lump is solid, it’s more likely to be a cancer. In this case, the doctor might recommend other tests or even surgery to remove the testicle. Some blood tests can help diagnose testicular tumors. Many testicular cancers make high levels of certain proteins called tumor markers , such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). When these tumor markers are in the blood, it suggests that there's a testicular tumor. Rises in levels of AFP or HCG can also help doctors tell which type of testicular cancer it might be. Non-seminomas often raise AFP and/or HCG levels. Pure seminomas occasional...

38,000kg whale reduced to skeleton in 24hrs

On the 29th July a huge whale was washed ashore by strong currents off the coast town of Brass, Beyelsa state a Niger-Delta state in Nigeria. This whale which got stuck on the shallow water on the coast line couldn't move itself to the sea because of it weight. The whale weighs 38,000kg. On-lookers and leisure seekers on the beach at the time gathered to sea this aquatic monster. As the news went around town people came out with buckets, knives and axes to get a piece of this manner that doesn't appear everyday. The scene suddenly became a butcher market as everyone cut for themselves pieces of whale meat for themselves and for sale. Bit by bit this mighty aquatic beast that stranded on the beach was divided into pieces. In 24hrs the huge whale was reduced to skeleton as the whole shoreline became red from whale blood. Bayelsa state is one of the rich oil producing states in Nigeria and has a high level of poverty among it's populace. With Nigeria...

Occular albinism: Eye albinism

Genetic home reference has cited in a publication that Ocular albinism is a genetic condition that primarily affects the eyes . This condition reduces the coloring (pigmentation) of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye, and the retina , which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Pigmentation in the eye is essential for normal vision. Ocular albinism is characterized by severely impaired sharpness of vision (visual acuity) and problems with combining vision from both eyes to perceive depth (stereoscopic vision). Although the vision loss is permanent, it does not worsen over time. Other eye abnormalities associated with this condition include rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); eyes that do not look in the same direction (strabismus); and increased sensitivity to light (photophobia). Many affected individuals also have abnormalities involving the optic nerves, which carry visual information from the eye to the brain. Un...

Medical news: Woman ingested jewelries

It was an awkward moment in West Bengal, where doctors battled to save the life a female patient who ingested 1.6kg jewellery, 90 coins and a wrist watch from the womans' stomach. Surgeons operating Jewelry-filled visceral The 22-year-old patient had suffered abdominal pain and thrown up after every meal for a week before she was admitted to hospital. Sonography and x-ray tests revealed metal in her tummy - so surgeons at Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital, in India, operated to remove it. Surgeons removed chains, nose rings, earrings, trinkets, bangles, and anklets during the 75-minute procedure, that also revealed 90 coins and a wristwatch X-ray image Women's are passionate about Jewellery as it represented a symbol of femininity and even social status. Jewellery has always made women feel beautiful and confident. The jewellery items are made of diamonds, pearl, gold, silver or other precious materials, t...

Intrauterine or fetal diarrhoea?

Congenital chloride diarrhea ( CCD ) is a rare, genetically determined cause of persistent, life threatening, watery diarrhea, which is characterized by excessive chloride loss in stools. CCD is an autosomal recessive disorder. Most cases have been reported in Finland and the Middle East. Gamble et al, and Darrow first described the condition in 1945. Recently, the CCD gene has been accurately located on chromosome. Meconium stained amniotic fluid Most children with CCD are born preterm and their antenatal ultrasound usually reveal polyhydramnios with significant dilatation of the fetal intestinal loops. Postnatally, these children exhibit significant abdominal distension, profuse and watery stools, and failure to thrive. Some infants survive for several months without diagnosis but any intercurrent infection, particularly gastroenteritis, disturbing the delicate water and electrolyte balance can lead to their demise. Dilated small b...

Barber-say syndrome

According to daily medical cases Facebook page . Barber-Say syndrome (BSS) is a very rare congenital disorder associated with excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis), fragile (atrophic) skin, eyelid deformities (ectropion), and an overly broad mouth (macrostomia). Barber-Say syndrome is phenotypically similar to Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome, which is also associated with dominant mutations in TWIST2. Causes Multiple cases of parent-to-child transmission suggest that Barber-Say syndrome exhibits autosomal dominant inheritance. Exome sequencing and expression studies have shown that BSS is caused by mutations in the TWIST2 gene that affect a highly conserved residue of TWIST2 (twist-related protein 2). TWIST2 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that binds to E-box DNA motifs (5'-CANNTG-3') as a heterodimer and inhibits transcriptional activation. Sign and Symptoms 》Severe hypertrichosis, especially of the back 》Skin...

Babies with beard

This story was inspired by a Facebook video documentary I saw of a child in India with beard covered face called the "wolf boy" According to an article published by Tony Walsh, "babies with beard" , the vivid history of bearded babies was explained: We wish to open this history with the disclaimer that the phenomena of bearded babies is not to be confused with the condition of hypertrichosis  (general excessive bodily hair growth) or  hursutism  (a male patterned excessive hair growth in women). Bearded babies do not pose a medical mystery at all- some babies are simply born with beards. We accept this as natural, but the history of the bearded baby has not been so forgiving.  Bearded babies have been part of human life since the moment we evolved from monkeys. During the dawn of humanity, most people had an excess of body hair, so babies with beards were accepted and nurtured. As humans lost their primordial hair, and only adults bore magnificent...